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The 12 Days of BookerLAB Christmas: Our Most Wanted Audio Tech Holiday Gifts

BookerLAB magic makers have one true love: music. This 12 Days of Christmas, our engineers, designers and creators could pass on five golden rings for any one of these high-quality audio tech holiday gifts.

From our Acoustic Guy

Fender Audio Passport Venue

When you get a gig, it pays tobe prepared and portable. Any “stupid simple” set-up makes an acoustic performance and session more jam-band and less manufactured.

Snark ST-2 Clip-on Super Tight Chromatic All-Instrument Tuner

Remember stupid simple? Meet our number one friend in making that possible. These run on watch batteries, are easy to read in the dark, and offer frequencies or vibration-based tuning. Little guy, big job.

HONZ Tech ToneWood Amp for Acoustic Guitar

It maybe just the size of a cell phone, but it can add reverb, delay, echo and many more effects to your unplugged set – up.It works seamlessly with any amp and PA system as well as connecting via USC for apps.It’s kind of a big(little) thing.

From our Electronic Guy

Arturia MiniBrute 2S Semi – modular Analog Sequencing Synthesizer

Endless, creative possibilities abound from this sound design powerhouse.An easy add to any synth set – up, this is the modular device you didn’t know you wanted really, really badly.

Olympia’s Noise company’s Patterning 2

Available for iPad in the App stone, this is the circular drum app of your dreams. It has the basics of recording beats, up to the highly desirable “randomize everything” feature.It’s also flush with MIDI features.

Eventide Harmonizer H9000

Music and ARM processors…what’s not to love?

From Our Listening Girl

HAY Sonos One Limited Edition Smart Speaker

While the Apple HomePod may beat it in audio quality, the One speaker beats it in every other
way. Compatible with hundreds of listening services and interoperable with Airplay, Google Assistant, and Amazon Alexa, its versatility makes it the perfect hosting speaker.

Sennheiser HDV 820 Digital Headphones

Not every day is for convenience. Sometimes, it’s for that lush, one – on – one moment between you and your favorite music. These luxurious headphones offer clarity like you wouldn’t believe. Although they’re for “true audiophiles, ” they’re also high – end. Santa, baby…

KEF Q350 Bookshelf Speakers

If Santa has a smaller budget this year, these bookshelf speakers make for an amazing budget addition to your stereo system.They add intricacy and expand sound, transporting you to whatever venue you wish.

From Our Performer Guy

Loog Pro Acrylic Electric Guitar

When you get to a certain age, your biggest fans may be the little ones in your family. When that time comes, it’s important to be prepared to give them the best concert of their lives: the one where they can come up on stage and rock with you.This Loog guitar is designed for kids and helps them learn from day one how to play like a pro.

Analog Alien: Alien Bass Station

It’s funky and keeps your tone in the mix. Get in on the fuzzy action.

App – Connected Lighted Keyboard

Look, if you’re not playing on multiple instruments yet, then learn the keyboard. You can do it easily with the ONE Music Group’s “effective, patient teacher,” their smart keyboard. Sync up your device and the LED lights will lead you from there.

BookerLab Community

When we shared our hopes and music tech dreams with some family, we got a few interesting replies. Our favorite was someone’s niece who wants a Melodica. It may not be the most advanced engineering, but we think it deserves a honorable mention on this list. Let us know what you think of our holiday wishes and tell us what you want Santa to bring you this year. BookerLAB strives to do audio engineering justice, and that’s why we’re listening as we work hard on our product line up.

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